User Posts: Damian Booker

Couple of days ago a bombshell article popped up calling Elastos a scam and citing 10 reasons as to why. Even though the headline of the article was very ...

Popular crypto “insider” Twitter account @btcking555 posted an interesting tweet yesterday, confirming that the rumors of Bitmain’s current CEO Jihan Wu ...

Banco Santander praises Ripple’s payment network for outperforming cross-border competition Ana Botín, executive chairman of the Spanish financial giant ...

Bag holders are in a strong denial but the harsh truth of crypto market is that 99% of the altcoins are going to cease to exist in the near-term future. Some ...

Litecoin is now ahead of bitcoin cash in the cryptocurrency rankings, based on their market cap. This is as important as the snow of last year - literally ...

Roman Semko is a senior developer in Python, Javascript and blockchain with an extensive experience in the field of other technologies (Angular, React, machine ...

Listing on a new exchange, no matter its size, used to bump the price of a coin by at least 50%. But those were the crazy times of 2017. In 2018, new exchange ...

First, the jubilant message: For some users it should be a white Christmas, because as Hosp announced, the company plans to start the KYC process as early as ...

The supposed Ethereum killer EOS apparently has significantly fewer active users than assumed. In addition, 27 dApps are said to have significant weaknesses. ...

Ripple's main mission this year was to coerce everyone to call their token XRP and not, as previously popularized, Ripple. This was chiefly a cautionary ...

Browsing All Comments By: Damian Booker
  1. We actually did couple of posts on OMG earlier, where we covered how the missed deadlines and unreal expectations in combination with poor communication make up a terrible mix for OMG and their future. This user’s post perfectly mirrored those articles and we clearly stated that this is a relay of his post.

  2. The post is referenced in the article.

  3. At the time, in 2017 it was 3rd. That time qualifier has been added, thanks for the catch :).

  4. Not active as a developer.

  5. Yes, I clearly stated that I took paragraphs from this author as I fully agreed with him.

    You do realize that you did nothing but insult me with your comment? No rebuttal or counter-arguments. Bottom line is, Ripple created XRP and still completely controls every aspect of the project making it entirely centralized and NOT a cryptocurrency.

  6. Thanks – I do have a small head so I guess my brain really is little 🙂

  7. You do realize that most of his points are simply his opinions sprinkled with couple of images? Take off the shitcoin glasses before you go bankrupt.

  8. Thanks for the comment! Please do point out the “uneducated” part, otherwise your comment is waste of time.

  9. Thanks for the feedback and sorry that truth offends you!

  10. Thank you very much for this insight! I will make sure to look into it – my job on the site (and in life) is to be the thorny skeptic!

  11. But there is some serious liquidity and dumping on hodlers. The fork is just an initiative from within the Kin community that I touched upon.

  12. Thanks for the comment! I will ignore the insults and your opinion on the article as that is utterly irrelevant and will focus on this part:
    You admit they pumped and dumped the coin on their community – please do tell me what is you definition of a scam? For me, that is a scam. An exit scam as no one with an ounce of dignity can come back and ask people to believe him again after he shit on them. Plus, anonymous developers = 70% scam in my eyes. Perform an overt PnD you get another 30%. So 100% scam.

    Perhaps not an exit scam – they might come back to plunder the community one more time. If that is the message you are trying to convey, I actually agree – that might happen as crypto is full of masochistic idiots that keep letting frauds shit over them.

  13. Thank you baron for commenting on my peasant post. Now go shill your KIN bags while VC funds dump on you, mighty aristocrat.
