Search results for: cryptocurrency

“Ripple attorneys will have their hands full explaining the statements of Ripple executives,” claims Larry Cermak

“Ripple attorneys will have their hands full explaining the statements of Ripple ...

IOTA data marketplace is a game changer in the making

IOTA data marketplace IOTA data marketplace is an experiment that runs on the IOTA ...

Newsflash: NEO to be decentralized in 2019, VeChain embracing hypertokenization while IOTA keeps partnering with unknown companies

Partnership between IOTA Foundation and eCl@ss to standardize payments and data ...

Ripple’s XRP price stumbles but adoption slopes up sharply. R3 adopting it confirms XRP is not a security?

This time XRP is much weaker. The counter-movement in the overall market that started ...

Why is Dash (DASH) getting so little love from crypto community despite impressive technological achievements?

A new stress test has shown that the scaling of the cryptocurrency Dash has almost no ...

Who is going to reign gaming and gambling on blockchain? Tron (TRX) and EOS to lock horns

Video games are one of the biggest industries in the world. In 2018 alone, video games ...

Is ASIC resistance really a good idea for PoW coins? Vertcoin suffered a 51% attack because of it

Vertcoin is under a 51% attack because of its wish for ASIC resistance A Medium ...

Vigorous debate about VeChain’s (VET) recent node tokenization decision

VeChain Foundation released an update for their community on their official Medium blog. ...

Dogecoin is the most stable coin on the market: 1 Doge = 1 Doge, always

If you ever need cheering up in the murky days of bear domination, Dogecoin communities ...

If you bought crypto this day last year: Only XRP would put you in plus, everything else (BTC, ETH, BCH) in a huge minus

If you bought $100 worth of bitcoin on December 3rd last year, you would sit on a "pile ...