Search results for: cryptocurrency

How to Make Profit from a Bitcoin Crash

The alarm bells ring out and panic often ensues every time there is a crash in ...
Cards Debit Card Review

  Previously called BIT-X, CoinsBank is an all-in-one gateway to ...

Augur (REP) Review – Dominating Decentralized Prediction Platforms?

An Augur was a priest who, duh, practiced augury (interpreting the will of the Gods) ...

Neblio – The Stratis Killer?

Introduction Neblio is a blockchain developer platform, in some ways similar to ...

What is An Initial Coin Offering (ICO)? Raising Millions in a Matter of Seconds

We are seeing the rise of a new phenomenon. It has gripped the tech world and is ...

What is atomic swap? How will it affect cryptocurrencies? When will it happen on Bitcoin?

Everybody in crypto world heard about these horrid stories of cryptocurrency exchanges ...


CaptainAltcoin is your top source for unbiased crypto news, guides, and insights. Our ...

How to Invest in Cryptocurrencies: The Ultimate Guide for a Beginner

  As traders, our job is to take advantage of opportunities in the ...

CaptainAltcoin – All about Bitcoin, Altcoins & Blockchain

How to buy Bitcoin? How to buy Ethereum? How to buy DASH How to buy IOTA How ...