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Why Do So Many ICOs Fail?

Back at the tail end of 2017, at the ETHWaterloo hackathon, Ethereum founder Vitalik ...

Blockchain startups are opening new frontiers in the world of travel

The blockchain technology has been digitalized for only nine years and has ...

How to Create Your Own Cryptocurrency

Being a part of the crypto community comes along with some fun and unusual questions. One ...

Cryptocurrency airdrops – a complete guide to free coins

Cryptocurrency developers are finding it harder and harder to encourage mass ...

A Complete Beginner’s Guide to Pura Coin (PURA)

Every crypto out there argues that they’re trying to change the world and make ...

Beware: FacexWorm Targets The Cryptocurrency Trading Platforms

Beware all the cryptocurrency holders because a new malware, FacexWorm, is lurking around ...

Berkley ICO step closer to reality after unanimous city council vote

California city of Berkeley plans an ICO to support city funding. This plan just received ...

ICOs lost their charm: More ICOs launched in 2018 but less money raised

Raising money via an ICO was much easier task in 2017, than in this year. ICO funding ...

NanoMate – send Nano to no-coiner friend via Email, SMS, Whatsapp or any other messaging platform

If you haven't heard of it, NanoMate is a service that enables you to send NANO to anyone ...

Central Bank St. Louis is wrong: Bitcoin is BETTER than cash

The Federal Reserve of the U.S. city of St. Louis recently issued a statement on Bitcoin ...