For a long time Stratis has been dubbed as Ethereum competitor number one. Then came the swarm of new crypto platforms like NEO, EOS, ADA, ICX and everybody forgot about a once upon a time star – Stratis.
Stratis offers pretty much everything Ethereum does, implementing smart contracts, ICO platform, sidechains for businesses to be decentralized, and more interesting features.
Stratis’ smart contracts platform is built entirely from the ground up in native C# on the .NET framework – the most popular enterprise programming language on the most widely-used enterprise framework. This is one of the main advantages that makes Stratis easier to integrate into existing enterprise architectures by removing any barriers presented by new, proprietary computing languages like Solidity in Ethereum. Moreover, Stratis will soon provide support for the functional programming language F#, particularly popular in the finance sector.
Stratis team got some bad reputation earlier last year as they missed couple of their deadlines for big releases and technical upgrades to their network. Additionally, their community is not satisfied with how active the team is on the communications front – they don’t offer regular updates on the progress, many questions from the community stay unanswered for a long time and there is generally a scent of a dead project around Stratis.
But is Stratis really dead?
You could add that since their final release is on the way, Stratis is heavily investing in marketing with businesses and C# community.
To be fair Stratis is a the end of its release cycle and started to invest heavily on marketing with businesses and C# community
You could also add that the market “sentiment” of Stratis is still very bullish or positive:
Actually they’re among the coins with the best market sentiment score.