Project partnerships are seemingly the latest trend swooping over the cryptoverse in 2018. This trend seems poised to continue as Cardano and Tron recently discussed a possible collaboration.
The exchange was initiated by Charles Hoskinson, the creator of Cardano and main man in charge at IOHK, a foundation dedicated to developing this project. On June 25th, Hoskinson tweeted out the following proposal:
“@justinsuntron you guys should use our mantis client instead of Ethereum Java https://github.com/input-output-hk/mantis … the code is much better, security audited and consensus is pluggable for a DPoS style protocol.”
Hoskinson explained his offer further in his tweets, claiming that Tron is currently using a form of Ethereum Java which is, in his opinion, a worse choice that the Cardano-developed Mantis protocol. Justin Tron was quick to respond to the offer, saying:
“Thanks for the advice! We’re looking to build the best blockchain technology so we’ll look at mantis too.”
This exchange of tweets surprised many in the crypto community. Both projects are looking to become smart contract-based Ethereum replacements so people were left baffled with Hoskinson’s intention to collaborate with what is a direct competitor in the crypto space. Especially when we consider his previous willingness to bash other projects, especially Ethereum. Some people have greeted this interaction, with @donielXX from Twitter saying:
“Hey Charles hope this is not irony from you. I like this approach from you more than bashing other projects. I think you can support each other and create partnerships that favor both projects. IOHK and Cardano can lift up other projects and maybe get some dev. power in return :)”
Tronics on r/Tronix also greeted these news with positivity, and user Miracolixe sums up their feelings nicely:
“Despite all the fud against Justin Sun (some arguments were true, but most of them were just to get attention) he’s doing a good job at Tron. Can’t deny that!”
Not everyone was fond of this move, sensing a hidden agenda in Hoskinson’s actions. @DawidZlk replied to the original tweet by saying:
“Charles will only offer help to projects that are not threat for ADA. And will spit venom on the projects that he’s afraid of”
Keep in mind that this isn’t a business proposal/partnership per-se, as Cardano’s codebase is open source and anyone can look into it and use the code for their project. The Mantis protocol’s codebase can be found here. Considering Justin Sun’s propensity for copying other people’s code, we might just see more updates on this “partnership” in the future.