Request Netwok (REQ) – You really should consider this one for your portfolio and here is why

Request Network is creating a user friendly payment processing framework – a short definition about who they are and what they do. No, they are not PayPal 2.0 – they are much more than that.

Request Network is a network built on top of Ethereum blockchain that allows / will alow online payments with cryptocurrencies + invocing/auditing/accounting (this is something really important where many consultant corporates are willing for and which REQ is first in). Request Network will be able to work with multiple currencies not just ERC20 coins. Fiat integration is underway also.

They have an amazing team and have been super on top of their roadmap. This is a solid project, but it’s not a get rich overnight project.

This is a team with vision and a very long stretching roadmap, and the actual exciting stuff if the team sticks to it will be much later in the year. Expecting REQ to do anything but move with the market for the next couple months is naive, because while they are working on the project, there are no big milestones right now.

The governance system, escrow and currency settlement are all going to be big – But again, you’re waiting until the end of the year for that.

Some of the positive things they have going for them in the short term:

  • Coinbase bought Paradex and REQ is one of the 11 coins on it and there’s a very good chance that REQ will be listed on Coinbase, along some other coins that fit their criteria.
  • Their partnership with PwC is strong, started back in September 2017 with PwC being a company that supports blockchain in general, so great things should come of that for their accounting aspect of the platform.
  • Their killer app, a crowdfunding dapp is planned for this month. When launched, the Crowdfunding dApp provides an easy way to raise funds and/or donations paid with cryptocurrencies. The dApp will allow anyone to set up a crowdfunding campaign that is either campaign-based (within a specific timeframe) or continuous (open until paused).
  • They are growing as company, as they continue to hire more and more people to expand their team, signs of growth is good.
  • Also, there is this great update about their Shopify plugin – peple can now accept crypto-payments on Shopify stores using the Request Network.
  • They have a very professional team that do their biweekly updates regularly, and let the results speak for themself.

If you want to make money short term invest into TRON, EOS, or any random moonshot shill coin. If you’re fine holding for any time longer then a month that’s where network coins come into play. REQ, NEO, ICON, AION etc are all the future if they continue to adopt useable usecases.

If you compare their market cap and progress to other altcoins, this is still incredibly undervalued coin. When the bull market returns, I have no doubt that this is going to be one of the alts to experience huge movement again.

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Torsten Hartmann
Torsten Hartmann

Torsten Hartmann has been an editor in the CaptainAltcoin team since August 2017. He holds a degree in politics and economics. He gained professional experience as a PR for a local political party before moving to journalism. Since 2017, he has pivoted his career towards blockchain technology, with principal interest in applications of blockchain technology in politics, business and society.

1 Comment
  1. Problem is, that without fiat integration, there is no business incentive to use this plugin, which is more buggy and limited than several centralized options which already exist.

    Business owners don’t care about the matter of decentralization. So for Request to scueed, they need to provide a CLEAR BUSINESS INCENTIVE: cheaper and easier fiat transactions.

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