The father of all announcements, Justin Sun is at it again. He is announcing an announcement on Twitter, yearning for the year 2017 when such gimmicks actually worked and made him a multi-millionaire.
Sounds great, if you have amnesia or tend to ignore sound reasoning and historical facts.
Even the desperate Tron holders became immune to this – there was a small blimp of enthusiasm, but the tweet hit a wall of silence and indifference. A speculator here and there, daydreaming and guessing the “new partner”.
BTW, they think it is Samsung. Sure – Justin Sun probably bought new Galaxy Note and counts that as a partnership deal with Korean giant.
Justin Sun seemed to be a marketing wizzard back in the bull days of crypto. Now he just looks like a broken record with only one track that he keeps spinning, without considering what his community or other crypto fans tell him.
Sun is notorious for his impudent and aggressive and oftentimes outright fraudulent marketing arsenal: pre-announcing announcements, dodgy and plagiarized white paper and partnerships with flimsy companies which others have tracked back to being Justin Suns own side projects.
Tron’s VM is a blatant copy of Ethereum’s VM without subsequent patches which makes it a big security risk. Consensus mechanism is a terribly implemented dPoS with delegates openly buying votes and colluding among themselves. And yet Tron has a well above $1 billion market cap and ranks in the top 10 cryptocoins by that metric. How come?
Essentially, Sun has managed to amass a community of technically illiterate buyers who are credulous and easily swallow Sun’s aggrandized and spurious promises. He did what a good marketing guy does: found his target audience, carved out a niche and marketed his product to them.
While you are here, have a look at our Tron [TRX] price prediction for 2020.
Tron’s most recent blockbuster move was an acquisition of a file-sharing pioneer technology BitTorrent. Months after the accession, Tron announced their plans to launch a new token within BitTorrent ecosystem, dubbed BTT that will run on top of Tron’s blockchain.
And this is where things get interesting. One former engineer from BitTorrent spoke out about his experience with Tron’s founder and his view of BitTorrent’s future under the reign of a new king.
Simon Morris, who spent nearly a decade as an executive at BitTorrent had this to say about Tron and Justin Sun, in his interview with BreakerMag:
According to Morris, there’s “no way” the Tron blockchain can handle the transaction volume needed to tokenize BitTorrent. And Morris thinks there’s little reason to believe Tron’s claims about BitTorrent Token, or anything else.
“It seems they’re going in the same direction [as our plan],” Morris told BREAKER. “But what’s very clear is that they’re going to say they’re going in the same direction, come what may, because that’s what Tron does…it’s basically a marketing machine layered on a very thin veneer of technology.”
Of Sun, Morris says: “It’s very clear that Justin is very strong at marketing. He has a very nice personality from a marketing point of view. He doesn’t have a technical bone in his body. He wouldn’t understand, technically, anything. But the approach that bothered me was, the very sort of Trumpian approach—if you get caught in a lie, the answer is you double down on the lie. [It was] the endless doubling down on lies that made me think it wasn’t going to be a fit.”