eToro, a brokerage company and social trading network conducted a study about the demographics of cryptocurrency investors. The results are pretty much what we could expect: the market is full of inexperienced men who had little to no exposure to investment world before. Women are absolute minority as only less than 9% of them make up the crypto investors.
The study covered age, gender and job sector criteria for the period of March 2017 – February 2018.
Investors with little to no investment experience amount to a staggering 81.96%. A measly 7.38% of the data set identify as having advanced investment knowledge. Male investors dominate female investors, 91.5% to 8.5%.
The study also states that most of the investors, around 30%, are not in the job market (i.e. students, retirees, the unemployed). Most of the professional workers are employed in sales and marketing sector – 15.05% followed closely by those who work in IT services – 14.49%. Third place were finance sector employees who constitute around 8.5%.
Most popular investments by age
The data reveals the most popular investments, according to age group. All groups are similar to one another, except for 18-23 where Dash tops Ethereum Classic.
Coin rank for age range 18-23
- Ripple
- Bitcoin
- Ethereum
- Litecoin
- Dash
- Stellar
- Neo
Coin rank for age range 24-35
- Ripple
- Bitcoin
- Ethereum
- Litecoin
- Ethereum Classic
- Stellar
- Neo
Coin rank for range 36-54
- Ripple
- Bitcoin
- Ethereum
- Litecoin
- Ethereum Classic
- Stellar
- Neo
Coin rank for age range 55+
- Ripple
- Bitcoin
- Ethereum
- Litecoin
- Ethereum Classic
- Stellar
- Neo
The study also shows that women like to invest in Ripple, while men’s portfolios are not dominated by single coin and are rather diversified.