Dogecoin is the joke cryptocurrency, but it is also technically a dead project. GitHub, which holds the source code of this open-source cryptocurrency, has not seen any update since October 2015. Also, the contribution of members of this open-source development community has not been significant.
Other side of this story is the support that Doge has among crypto holders – they still hang around Doge communities, drop a meme or two and share a good laugh.
Dogecoin was originally created as a joke, referencing a meme about a funny-looking Shiba Inu dog that gained wide popularity on the internet.
Yet, since its creation, the cryptocurrency’s popularity and value has achieved stratospheric heights. A rabid online community has developed over the years with many loyal supporters of the coin. The community has done some incredible things with Dogecoin, from utilizing the cryptocurrency to raise funds for the Jamaican bobsled team to go to the Sochi Winter Olympics to funding a project to build a well in rural Kenya to provide access to drinking water.
The lack of further development is worrying if you want to look at Doge as “real” project. Jackson Palmer, the founder of the project has left the project for an undetermined period of time and is now mostly active as YouTuber that comments crypto news and developments. Dogecoin has become directionless since his departure and no one took over the leadership role.
Biggest hope for Doge survival is its current most frequent application as a tipping currency. With websites like Litebit, Anycoin, Suchlist, keys4coins, dogegifts, clockworkcrypto and an official Reddit tip bot (there is talk of a Telegram tip bot as well), more and more ways of spending your DOGE are popping up by the day.
Dogecoin is very much in line with the United States’ “tip culture”, and with the rise of reward culture on the Internet in the world, Dogecoin will also be widely used. Compared to expensive Bitcoin, the threshold for Dogecoin is even lower, and it’s much cuter. Dogecoin has become the most popular “tip cryptocurrency” in the U.S. Internet.
Dogecoin might have lost some of its bite lately but there is still much bark on the internet about it for sure.
This is a prime example of Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUD) Bad article, many nonfactual statements. But I get it, Dogecoin has a strong, large community and you need click bait for ad revenue. Due diligence goes a long way in writing with substance.
Always funny to be attacked for “non-factual” claims by commentators that bring nothing but their opinion to the table. Be my guest, point out the false claims and prove the author wrong with arguments as your opinion is irrelevant, especially as you are probably a Doge bag holder.
1.14 is in beta currently. Doge has an active team of developers, many side projects that increase its validity (etherium bridge, dogepal) and as the author stated a large community. 95% of dogecoin is utilized outside of exchanges. These are not my opinions, theyre facts.