Search results for: TRON

Research: “Justin Sun’s pre-announcement on average pushes the price of Tron (TRX) up by roughly 23%”

How effective are Justin Sun's marketing gimmicks?  In a well-researched essay ...

Tron (TRX) has a lot of honeypots for hackers, ICON has a new roadmap while Ark launches ArkPay

ICON releases an updated roadmap After a period of relative inactivity, ICON has once ...

Nano Boulton upgrade is impressive, EOS dapps are paradise for hackers while DASH and Venezuela love is still strong

EOS betting dapps hacked Several EOS gambling dapps were attacked on December 18th ...

Tron (TRX) founder appears to suffer from inferiority complex while VeChain claims to be financially stable despite the downturn in crypto markets

Inferiority complex is by definition an unrealistic feeling of general inadequacy caused ...

Justin Sun: Tron (TRX) transaction fees to reach zero

Tron's CEO and founder, Justin Sun, recently announced on Twitter that the fee for the ...

How much of Tron’s (TRX) rise is backed by real achievements? Most of its success is piggybacking on Ethereum

Promotion and marketing are two key elements of any human enterprise. The people behind ...

Criticizing Substratum (SUB) is not allowed while Justin Sun brings about yet another proof of Tron (TRX) centralization

Justin Sun’s Proposal 7 to go through Eccentric creator of TRON Justin Sun has ...

Tron (TRX) creeping around Ethereum’s dApps and developers. Justin Sun throwing his weight around while everyone struggles for air

Shortly after a wave of layoffs at the Ethereum company ConsenSys, TRON founder Justin ...

Who is going to reign gaming and gambling on blockchain? Tron (TRX) and EOS to lock horns

Video games are one of the biggest industries in the world. In 2018 alone, video games ...

December Cryptocurrency Predictions Report: Tron (TRX), Litecoin (LTC) and Binance Coin (BNB) forecast to continue slump, but other coins could recover

Price comparison site releases December Cryptocurrency Predictions ...