Search results for: xrp

Ripple execs rebuke ridiculous claims of XRP ledger hostile takeover

The article about preposterous "hostile takeover of a top 10 cryptocurrency" by a ...

Bad news for XRP holders: Companies using xRapid and XRP range from small to miniature

Things are looking great for Ripple. By Ripple, I mean Ripple Labs, the company formerly ...

Ripple and XRP is great tech, but for the banks and middlemen, not for the people

Banco Santander praises Ripple’s payment network for outperforming cross-border ...

Newly launched Bitcoin/XRP/Ethereum/Litecoin/Bitcoin Cash-trading exchange already has serious security vulnerabilities

DX.Exchange, a crypto-based asset trading platform has lately been making positive noise ...

Crypto market flash crash sees XRP regaining its second position ahead of ETH. What caused the crash?

The crypto market had a nice week hitherto - the bear squashed hard, squeezing out the ...

XRP acts as the safe haven for trader profits: Parking TRX gains in the Ripple’s token on Binance

The volume of the TRX/XRP pair on Binance is off the charts, registering record highs ...

Ripple’s XRP: to be (security) or not to be (security)

Ripple, the company behind the XRP coin, has made it a point in the past to convince ...

XRP’s token velocity problem: Who will benefit from the potential increased network usage, holders or Ripple?

XRP army is one livid crew, they get easily triggered by XRP critical articles. This one ...

Out of 200 Ripple customers, only five fringe institutions/startups (not even real banks) to use xRapid and XRP

Ripplenet now has more than 200 customers worldwide Popular and controversial ...

BREAKING: Another bank to start using Ripple’s XRP in the Q1 of 2019

XRP, the third largest cryptocurrency by market cap but first by amount of hate it gets, ...