Search results for: market

Review of LoopRing (LRC) – A Decentralized Token Exchange Protocol

Originally, blockchain was developed for Bitcoin and it was used as ...

Now We Know Who Sold the Bottom at $6k And Perhaps Tried To Crash Bitcoin?

And it was this guy - Tokyo whale and Mt.Gox bankrutpcy trustee who sold almost $400 ...

All About KuCoin Shares (KCS) – Native Token of Kucoin Exchange

KuCoin Shares or KCS for short is the token issued by Kucoin Cryptocurrency Exchange ...

Alternatives to Ethereum – ICOs on NEO, Stellar & Co.

Ethereum is still the dominant platform for ICOs. However, a number of other block-chains ...

What is Maker (MKR)? | Beginner’s Guide

Maker’s MKR coin is a recent entrant to the market and is not a well known ...

What Is Aelf (ELF)? – Complete Beginner’s Guide

Aelf, also known as Ælf, is a relatively new competitor in the dapp ...

Cryptoeconomics and game theory in cryptocurrency world

The blockchain technology is a result of a revolutionary idea that Satoshi Nakamoto came ...

Complete Beginner’s Guide to Dogecoin (DOGE) – Why Do People Call It the World’s Most Valuable Joke?

Dogecoin is an open source peer-to-peer digital currency that is widely used, ...

What is Zilliqa Platform (ZIL)? A scaling solutions for blockchain?

After the recent surge in the number of cryptocurrency transactions, current platforms ...

What is Telegram Open Network (TON) – Largest ICO in History

It seems that everyone wants to get on the ICO wagon as it seems to be the ...