One of the very popular coins back in the lunatic times of 2017, ARK was one of the more popular projects. The interest in them has plummeted together with the token price, but ARK team is still diligently working on their blockchain.
Over the past few weeks, they have been revealing all the new features added into their upcoming Core v2.6 upgrade. Their blog is full of interesting posts covering the introduction of Schnorr’s Multisignatures and our new Multisignature Server. Latest post illuminates Multipayments, a new transaction type that will be added to Ark core client.
What are Multipayments?
Multipayments are just one of the new transaction types included with Core v2.6. This transaction type does exactly as the name suggests, allowing users to send multiple payments to different recipients, all neatly packaged into one single transaction. With the example below, you’ll see how a single transaction can send payments to multiple addresses.
Why use Multipayments?
So why should that get you excited? Well to start, if you’re someone who sends ARK tokens to a number of different addresses regularly, it means no more time spent painstakingly creating multiple single transactions for each and every address that you want to send to.
From your ARK Desktop or Mobile Wallet, you’ll be able to input the number of tokens you want to send, input multiple addresses and send the payment in just a few seconds.
Ark project was launched at the end of 2016 with the Ark coin as it’s native currency. Ark defines their mission as the proliferation of blockchain technologies among the broad masses of the population. ARK want to provide users, developers, and startups with a complete ecosystem blockchain technologies.
Price wise, ARK has been performing dismally in the last couple of years, going down from all time high of $9.17 to the current $0.21 per token. Ark has dropped out from the top 100 coins by market cap and is currently ranked as the number 138 on CMC.